Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements


“Daddy, you are strong and tall,
Stay by me and catch me whenever I fall.
Batman, Spiderman and Superman there be,
I look up to you as my Superhero to be.
I will follow your steps, wherever you go,
You are my pride, Daddy, do you know!

Father’s Day is a celebration honouring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, parental bonds and the role of fathers in shaping the lives of their children.

Students from class 5 to 8 of St. Lawrence High School and Junior College exhibited their gratitude for their father in the form of making some yummy and healthy dishes especially for their fathers.

The students made recipes like veg roll, different types of sandwiches and healthy salads.

The students expressed their sentiments towards their fathers and thanked them for everything that daddies do for them and wished them a long life by making greeting cards.

Through these activities we wish to inculcate the value of respect in our students towards their ‘Father’.

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