Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements


Gandhiji once said “A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers.”

We, at St.Lawrence High School and Junior College believe that our language expresses a connection to the land through words, stories, and ceremonies, which describe the patterns of the seasons, traditional use, important places, and cultural and spiritual values.

The primary section students paid tribute to the renowned Marathi poet, playwright, and novelist – Kusumagraj – by performing his works on stage and commending the Marathi Language.

The grade 3 and 4 students celebrated Marathi Divas with great enthusiasm. The program started with a Marathi prayer. A small skit was performed by the grade 4 students that stated the importance of respecting our elders and studying as a vital component to survive in the society.

The speeches and the anchors enriched the students’ minds with lots of pride and love for the language of their birth place.

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