Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements


The students of classes 8 and 9 of St. Lawrence High School and Junior College made delicious and mouth - watering chocolates as part of their Scout and Guide activity. The students added nuts, choco chips, honey, icing sugar etc. to add flavour. They made chocolates in various sizes and shapes ; oval, circular bars and blocks.This activity was conducted to develop their culinary talent and skills of making chocolates which is an all time favorite.

Makar Sankranti is around the corner and the cries of joy can be heard all over . But is celebrating our festivals at the cost of harming some species in our environment worth it? The answer is obviously a big ‘No’ and so we at St.Lawrence High School and Junior College celebrated the festival in our own unique way by organizing a ‘ Ban Nylon Manja’ awareness campaign where the students of classes 5 to 7 participated in a chart making competition and the students of class 8 participated in

A session on etiquettes and table manners was conducted for the Guides of classes 8 and 9. This session was held to instil in the students that etiquette helps us to be thoughtful about our conduct and to be aware of the feelings of others. Table manners boosts our confidence in social situation, whether at a friend’s house, restaurant or a formal event. The students took part in laying the table and in serving. The session was enjoyed by all.